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You took care of them until your last breath.” “You did what you would have done with your own children. “Because you were there with them,” he said. He listed the names of the slain schoolchildren several times throughout the homily. Some sobbed throughout the service in which Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller offered thanks for Irma Garcia’s dedication. Covered by flowers, the two closed caskets were borne by pallbearers past a phalanx of police in uniforms and priests in white robes. The litany of visitations, funerals and burials began Monday and will continue into mid-June.Īt Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Wednesday, twin black hearses carrying the coffins of the Garcias arrived in a procession led by police and civilian motorcycle riders. Nineteen children and two teachers - Garcia and her co-teacher, 44-year-old Eva Mireles - were killed May 24 when an 18-year-old gunman burst into their classroom. UVALDE, Texas (AP) - Mourners gathered Wednesday at a Catholic church to say goodbye to Robb Elementary School teacher Irma Garcia - who died in the shooting at the Uvalde, Texas, grade school - and her husband, Joe - who died two days later from a heart attack.

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