Gay men wrestling video

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Unger, born Shannon Spruill, is the latest wrestling star to die a sudden and tragic death - and give horrified followers a peek into the dark world that now seems to be synonymous with the sport. “Do you guys not understand that I am all alone? Do you not understand that?” she wept in the video. Following a subsequent frantic search to locate her, the 46-year-old was found dead on Thursday. The world’s most scripted sport is made up of outrageous plot lines, larger-than-life heroes, cartoon villains - and a real-life dark side.įormer professional wrestler Daffney Unger went on Instagram Live this week and appeared to click a pistol while crying. This is exactly what CM Punk’s latest feud and AEW’s future desperately needed WWE’s top star still expected on TV this summer despite report WWE legend Ric Flair returning to ring for one more matchĪEW star opens up about sudden, unexpected ‘dream match’

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