Gay definition wikipedia

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Joe Otterson, Variety, 1 June 2022 The fact that in the '80s setting of Hawkins, Steve is an unflappable gay ally and supports Maya in her pursuit of another girl undoubtedly contributes to his status as one of the most enduringly popular characters on the show. Davis, USA TODAY, 2 June 2022 Alvarez will star as Evan, a gay high school English teacher in Austin, TX, and his fellow teachers trying to balance the competing demands of the students and their parents in a world where the rules seem to change every day. Samuel Huneke, CNN, 2 June 2022 Anti- gay commencement speech at Ohio high school sparks outrage.

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Matthew Gilbert,, 2 June 2022 Moreover, these groups all too often were pushed out of postwar gay liberation movements. Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective Regardless, Klarides has been a longtime supporter of gay rights.Ĭhristopher Keating, Hartford Courant, 2 June 2022 The show is set in New Orleans, but the violence harkens back to the mass shooting at the gay club Pulse in Florida in 2016, when 49 people were killed and 53 were wounded.

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