Gay bars portland new years eve

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The interior of The Sports Bra is coming together for its April opening. The Sports Bra will also be an official viewing party location for all home and away Portland Thorns matches. Next to all the flatscreens, the bar plans to honor legendary female athletes with posters featuring luminaries like Serena Williams or Sue Bird, as well as institutions like the Seattle Storm.

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When it opens its doors, the NWSL season will already be underway and the WNBA will tip off shortly thereafter so there will be plenty of opportunities to (hopefully) watch Candace Parker, Megan Rapinoe, Ali Krieger and other out athletes in action. Like any good sports bar, The Sports Bra will house numerous televisions playing women’s sports airing on cable, satellite or streaming services.

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The bar is scheduled to open in Portland in early April and was recently profiled by Eater. Portland chef and restauranteur Jenny Nguyen is aiming to turn the stereotype of male-dominated sports bars on its head with the founding of The Sports Bra, an all-ages bar and restaurant dedicated to women’s sports.

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